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15 New Original Jazz-Pop Songs  

"Every song is first-rate."

"Marilyn is a performer for all
seasons and moods, and
her music will enchant you."


Marilyn Harris' breakout CD of
new original jazz songs with attitude!

Featuring instrumental solos by
Wayne Bergeron, Pete Christlieb,
Dan Higgins, Bob Leatherbarrow,
Bill Liston, Warren Luening,
Andy Martin and Dave Carpenter

and a vocal duet with Mark Winkler

Order your copies today!!!

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BETWEEN THE LINES and/or FUTURE STREET as indicated below:


   BETWEEN THE LINES CD(s) @ $12.99 ea. (AZ Tax $1.07 per disc)  $
   FUTURE STREET CD(s) @ $12.99 ea. (AZ Tax $1.07 per disc)  $
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(Canada add $8.50 - All Other Countries add $12.00)                                                    TOTAL:


Please print out this form and send it with your check or money order (U.S. Funds only, please!) payable to: HARRIS/WOLFRAM PRODUCTIONS, INC. - 13942 E. Via del Abrigo, Vail, AZ • 85641-2052 • U.S.A.


Please allow 3 to 4 weeks for delivery.