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Inspired by the enchanting 1984 production of Gardner McKay’s play SEA MARKS at the Pewter Plough Playhouse starring Christopher Law and Mara Purl, composer Marilyn Harris is thrilled that the actors are reviving the play with new productions in Cambria, CA and Colorado Springs, CO to mark the 30th anniversary of the original run.  Along with Mark Wolfram, Marilyn performed and produced the music on this CD in 1985.


Order your copy today!!!

Please send me
The music of SEA MARKS as indicated below:


   The music of SEA MARKS CD(s) @ $5.99 ea. (AZ Tax $0.49 per disc)  $
   Arizona Residents please add 8¼% State Sales Tax  $
   Please add $3.00 for Shipping & Handling  $

(Canada add $8.50 - All Other Countries add $12.00)                                                    TOTAL:


Please print out this form and send it with your check or money order (U.S. Funds only, please!) payable to: HARRIS/WOLFRAM PRODUCTIONS, INC. - 13942 E. Via del Abrigo, Vail, AZ • 85641-2052 • U.S.A.


Please allow 2 to 3 weeks for delivery.